October Group Classes

Group classes in Stop Smoking, Weight Loss or Better Sleep with Hypnosis for October are listed below via link. Because of the pandemic many adult school have canceled their programs either this fall or permanently. Therefore, there are fewer dates and locations for our classes.

Most of the classes are going to be held live and in person. Some, however, will be virtual. Kindly get in touch for further info.

I am saddened to also announce our office in Livingston is now permanently closed.

Our offices in Flemington and Princeton are open as well as Skype and Zoom sessions.

Because of Covid, we have been receiving many calls and emails from clients about appointments. If you are feeling stressed, depressed, alone or have any other issues you would like to address, we are here to provide the assistance you need
You can reach us at www.hypnosiscounselingcenter.com or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com or phone 908-303-7767