
You CAN Keep your New Year’s Resolutions

Many of us choose the New Year to make a new start.

Most of us make New Year’s Resolutions to do it.
Almost none of us keep them. It’s not that we don’t want to
make the changes, we are usually very sincere.

The problem is we try to tough it out alone using sheer willpower.
However, many of the resolutions involve long term habits and are difficult to change without help.

That’s where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is a very effective tool to help this year’s resolution come true.

If you have been struggling with losing weight, stopping smoking or any other behavioral change, DON’T GIVE UP. Although Jan 1st has come and gone, start again immediately. You are probably trying to change things that have been going on for a long time. So… cut yourself some slack and begin again.

Remember this is important or you would not have made the resolution to begin with.

There were “Resolutions” articles this week in Hunterdon County Democrat and in Natural Awakenings Magazines about the Hypnosis Counseling Center.

You can see some of them on our new website,

Move cursor over blog for drop down for articles.